Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Day in Court

Just before we left BMC in 2009, we had to fire the man who was hospital administrator. He is now suing the hospital, claiming we terminated him improperly and without cause. The case is now going on in the regional capital, Tamale and I was asked to represent the hospital since I was involved in the proceedings when everything happened.

We left Nalerigu this morning about 6:00 AM and drove to Tamale to be in court by 9:00. We sat in court for 3 hours, listening to 3 other cases and then the plaintiff presented one final witness. After that, we were told by the judge to return next week to start the defense case. Needless to say, I was not very happy to have taken the day away from the hospital while here for such a short time. We got back to Nalerigu around 3:45 and I went to clinic to see what patients had been saved for me.

Now I am on call and will be going soon to make rounds on new admissions and to check for any problems.

It did not seem a good idea to take pictures in court, so I do not have pictures from today. But here are a few from earlier in the week.

Even though we have not had rain, there are still some pretty flowers
Azara, a friend of Elisabeth's who sells limes for wonderful limeade
Large cystic mass on lady's knee

Immediately after the mass was removed

There is a lot of thundering and lightening right now, so maybe we will get some more good rain. Tomorrow is another surgery day.

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